Велибор Џомић


УДК: 271.222 (497.11) – 726: 929 “18/19”

Примљено: 6. јануар 2010.

Стручни чланак





Кроз историју Српске Цркве примењивано је више начина избора црквеног поглавара. Модели који су примењивани зависили су како од канонских правила тако и од односа између световне и духовне власти. У историји модерне српске државности примењивано је више система односа између световне и духовне власти. Они су у значајној мери утицали на питање модела избора српског црквеног поглавара. За време Књажевине и Краљевине Србије је примењиван систем државне цркве тако да су, сходно одредбама законодавства о државној цркви, владари имали пресудну улогу приликом избора српских митрополита. За време Краљевине СХС/Југославије је примењен систем признатих цркава и верских заједница, али је монарх задржао значајан утицај на питање избора црквеног поглавара. Са правом се поставља питање оправданости таквих утицаја у модерној државности. Систем одвојености цркава и верских заједница од државе је примењен након Другог светског рата и, кроз различите модалитете, траје све до данас. По том систему световна власт није имала законску могућност да утиче на избор и проглашење српског патријарха, као и на друга питања која се тичу унутрашње црквене аутономије. Устав СПЦ је од 1931. до данас претрпео више измена. Једна од њих тиче се увођења система избора патријарха жребом између тројице кандидата изабраних на Изборном сабору архијереја тајним гласањем и апсолутном већином. Важећи начин избора патријарха у Уставу СПЦ на најбољи могући начин штити унутрашњу црквену аутономију.

КЉУЧНЕ РЕЧИ: избор, црквено законодавство, митрополит, патријарх, жреб



Velibor Džomić






Throughout the history of The Serb Church several election models of the heads of the Church have been applied. The models which have been applied were depending on the canon`s rules, as well as on the relationship between secular and religious authorities. In the history of the contemporary Serb statehood, several systems of the relations between secular and religious authorities have been used.

It played an important influence regarding to the issue of the election models of the Serb Church Head. During the Principality and Serbia Kingdom the system of the state church was applied, so according to the provisions of the legislation on the state church, the rulers had played decisive role in the election process of the Serb Metropolitans. The relation way between secular and church authorities in the Principality and Serbia Kingdom was stipulated by the norms of the six constitutions (1835, 1838, 1869, 1888, 1901. 1903.), and four laws (1836, 1847, 1862. and 1890.).

During SHS/Yugoslavia Kingdom, the system of the recognized churches and religious communities was applied, but monarch kept the important influence to the issue of the election of church`s head.

The relations between state and recognized churches and religious communities were regulated by norms of two constitutions ( 1921. and 1931.) and special laws on each recognized churches and religious communities, except for the Roman Catholic Church, which representatives have not accepting that their legal status solved by law,such as for others, but they wanted to have an agreement with Vatican.

Referring to the system of the state church so as for the system of the recognized churches and religious communities were justified the question asked in regard to the influence of the secular rulers on internal church`s matters.

The system of the separation between church and religious communities from the state was applied after the Second World War, and still existing until today through the various modalities. In line with that system the secular authority had not legal opportunities to influence on the election and proclamation of the Serb Patriarch, as well as on the two issues which related to the internal church autonomy.

The Constitution of the Serb Orthodox Church since 1931. until nowadays was amended more times. One of it considered to introduction of the election system of the Patriarch by drawing among three candidates who elected on the election Synod of  the archpriests by secret vote and absolute majority.

The existing election model for electing the Patriarch which is proscribed by the Serb Orthodox Church Constitution provides the best way for protecting the internal church autonomy from the external interferences.

Key words: election; Canon Law; metropolitan; patriarch; draw.