Dejan Matić



This paper critically analyzes Lukic’s approach to primary, and therefore the central issue of the theory of the state, the issue of its conceptual definition. By level of importance, which, among other things, can be measured by the influence of the theory created by an individual to the other individuals and to the theory itself, Professor Lukic can be placed in order of our most famous Serbian legal writers, with respect to all of those differences among them. Unfortunately, occasionally passing interest of our experts for more than abundant creative work of Professor Lukic, did not result in monographs that were entirely devoted solely to the analysis of his scientific achievements. This is especially true for Lukic’s jurisprudential thinking about the state, which virtually never was the subject of any critical analysis in our modern scientific knowledge. The thought that is the focal point of this work is born out as a theoretical answer to the real socio-political and socio-economic developments. And hence the author of that rich opus of thought located its own role in the context of the reality that was necessary to present with the theoretical picture. Certainly that later, and a contemporary view of the state of the objectivity of such impressions, must necessarily be associated with ideological complex of the author and social environment in which it creates, and it, quite expectedly, must be different from the intellectual standpoint, which existed in the period of positive legal validity of the categories and the problems of the one-party state structure in which the professor Lukic acted. Opportunity to note those differences and to point out them is one of the goals of this paper.

Key words: concept of the state, legal theory, Marxist approach, the class state, general social interests