Dejan Simić*



In this paper, the scope and boundaries of democracy in the era of globalization and restructuring of the state-legal order will be explored, in particular the citical review of globalizared democracy and its extension beyond the borders of the nation and the state. Teached by the literary-scientific understanding of the acquired truths and knowledhe, and initiated by the rational and logical observation of contemporary society, is the vision of post-pesusasion and democracy, trying to introduce as much as possible authorial and authentic. The democracy of the national state is impoverished, limited and ineffective, normative, and democracy outside the state and nation, ncomplete, unearlistic, elitist, is not representative and does not repect the special interests of many countries and nations. Globalist imperatives of power and the impressive, vigorus interset of imperialism in politics ruin democracy at a global level, not only in coutries that mumble democratic norms, procurements and practices, but also in coutries that present as a global, unproblematic, model od democracy.

Key words: globalization, sovereignty, interest, power, electoral will.



* PhD candidate, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law.