Почетак arrow Правни центар 4.0 - Legal center 4.0
Legal center 4.0

‘Legal center 4.0’ is a scientific and research center of the Faculty of Law, University of Kragujevac. It was established in order to support the Center(s) for excellence of the University of Kragujevac providing it with legal expertise on the issues posed. Research structure of the Center for excellence is encompassing and the Legal Center 4.0 is covering:

Our international team of experts is willing to offer its legal expertise and experience in the matters from the abovementioned fields including accompanied issues arising in the fields of cyber security, data protection (GDPR), application of AI, human rights and digital transformation.

Contacts: Ова адреса је заштићена од робота. Потребан вам је Јава-скрипта да би сте је видели.

Director: Dragan Dakic, PhD, Assistant Professor of Public International Law (http://www.jura.kg.ac.rs/index.php/sr/ddakic.htm )